Business processes can be fun and useful when used in personal life too, says NCIAC

Have you filled out your bathroom time-sheets for the day?

Media release

Business processes are not just useful for businesses, and can be used in personal life as well, according to totally real research completed by the National Centre for Inference Assumption and Conjecture (NCIAC).

Filling out a business expense form in order to log a capital purchase for the household can be a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy together.

NCIAC Investment Expert Chadwick Radwick said he keeps a detailed log of his household’s capital purchases, including depreciation, approaches to market, and an arduous procurement process, in order to maximise value for money.

“I was able to save about $200 on a bicycle through a competitive tender process. My wife said it was a great saving, and the whole process only took four weeks to finalise!

“What’s more, since I’ve started tracking room bookings for different activities in my house, I’ve become 23% more efficient when eating dinner in MDR-1_0001 (Medium Dining Room 1). Now my booking expires at 6:30 and I have to start wrapping up before my teenage son stands at the door to the room looking at his watch until I leave,” Mr. Radwick said. “Just like at the office!

“You should have seen the expression on my friend’s face when I sent him a five page Request for Friendship Category Increase form. He was delighted at the opportunity to increase his Friendship Category from Tier 2 (commitment of one hangout session per month) to Tier 3 (commitment of one hangout session per week)!

“The best part though is the reporting. I’ve prepared all sorts of reports that I wouldn’t have had the data for before, including how much of the food I buy goes off before I use it, how many unfeasible side projects I have sitting at 5% completion each month, and even a nice line graph showing my daily blood pressure.”

Filling out forms and keeping records may be fun, but NCIAC reminds fans of bureaucracy that too much Life Admin can also be detrimental.

NCIAC CEO Grace Mushroom says that it is possible to go too far, for example purchasing enterprise level software to manage home budgets.

“A certain amount of home budgeting is very useful, but there is consumer level software that will do what you need it to do for a lot less money.

“Luckily, in the case of Mr Radwick, we believe he had the opportunity to request a refund of the $10,000 he spent on licensing business reporting software, and now runs most of his admin using standard consumer-directed technology.”

NCIAC is looking at producing a series of business forms and processes for home use, which it intends to release once Mr. Radwick has filled in the appropriate intellectual property transfer forms.

Photo by Lukas from Pexels